Hi 870nq6,
Thanks for your question! I wonder if it's time to see a doctor who is an expert in migraine and headache disorders rather than a general neurologist? Here's the thing - neurologists may be fine doctors but have difficult time being experts in one area because they treat so many different conditions like multiple sclerosis, stroke, epilepsy, Parkinson's and others. Migraine/headache disorder specialists are just that, experts in one area - migraine and headache - and are board certified in headache medicine whereas all neurologists are not. It's also important to note that all neurologists are NOT migraine/headache disorder specialists even though they may claim to be and all migraine/headache disorder specialists are not neurologists. Here is information on how these doctors are different and how to find one; https://migraine.com/blog/how-are-migraine-specialists-different/ and https://migraine.com/blog/looking-for-a-migraine-specialist/. Also this link has doctors who are board certified headache medicine, and after a quick search there are at least three doctors in AL; http://www.ucns.org/globals/axon/assets/10300.pdf.
Let us know how you make out,