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Migraine hats that you put in freezer/ fridge.

I've been told that these can really help but there are so many on the market can anyone recommend one .?

  1. - there are so many benefits of using a migraine cap - such as cold/hot therapy, pressure and compression, light blocking as well as being a therapy that is comforting and quite portable. These hats typically incorporate various features that can help alleviate migraine symptoms. While migraine hats can offer temporary relief and comfort, they may not be a standalone solution for managing migraines. They are most effective when used as part of a comprehensive migraine management plan, which may include medication, lifestyle modifications, stress management techniques, and other therapies prescribed by your healthcare provider. I have purchased one off Amazon that you can use from the freezer or heat in the microwave for heat therapy. I've purchased the ComfiTECH Migraine Ice Head Wrap and it works beautifully. Try searching for migraine caps on the internet as a superabundance will show up. Wishing you luck in finding just the right one, and with better relief from migraine pain. Warmly ~ Rebecca (community moderator)

    1. - Hi there- great question. I wanted to just add to what Rebecca shared above by encouraging you to take a look at this link (and primarily the community comments that follow it) where people share their experiences with various types of headache hats - hopefully it may help you decide on which one might work for you: Let us know what you choose. Warmly- Holly team.

      1. I think it depends a lot on what you're looking for in a hat -- where you want the cold, how much contact and pressure you need, etc. So it may be beneficial to try a few if you can -- Amazon will usually do free returns, though of course you'd have to manage the hassle of getting it back to them. It might be worth the effort.

        For what it's worth, this is the one I have:

        Take care! Would love to hear what you end up buying, just out of curiosity. 😀
        Melissa, team

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