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Do You Have a Migraine Recipe to Share?

Hi, Any good migraine recipe cookbook recommendations? I’m in the UK. Thanks.

  1. Hi helsbels172,

    Great question!! I modify many of the recipes I use to avoid my food triggers. I don't know of a specific cookbook to suggest. The thing is what triggers me, may not trigger you.

    I'm sure others will be along shortly to share their cookbook recommendations with you.

    We do have a few recipes on this site, have you seen them? Here is the search link I used;

    Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Nancy,
      I’m glad to have joined the community.
      I’ve not seen the recipes on the site apart from some old posts in the link you sent. I will have a proper look. Are there some recipes on the website or are they on the link you sent? Is there a particular section for recipes?

      After I posted my question -I carried on with my research for a good cook book and stumbled across a lady called Alicia Wolf aka The Dizzy Cook. She replied when I wrote in the Facebook page. She has a cook book out in America I think and it’s due out in the Uk in March with conversions charts and the Facebook page, people can discuss recipesand substitutions etc.
      So that looks good.
      At some point I would love to hear of some of your modified recipes if that’s ok.

      Many thanks,


      1. Hi Helen ( ),

        Thank you so much for sharing Alicia Wolf's cookbook! So thrilled that March is very close, and that Alicia was able to reply to you so quickly! To answer your question to Nancy, if you click the link, all of our recipes on the website will be available to you. This includes specific dishes, modified recipes, elimination options, and even learning to eat a migraine friendly diet. Hope that this helps answer your question!

        We would love to hear more from you as well as you continue creating your various tasty meals! Feel free to share your pictures of meals on our FB page, and write about your favorite recipes as well! You can tell us more in our stories section here on the site:

        If there are modified recipes that you really would like to learn how to make, feel free to ask another question to the community! Thanks for being a member!

        Sending you healing hugs!
        Lawrence ( Team)

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