Do your children struggle in school because of migraines? Are you aware of the formal options available to create uniform adjustments for them? By using the Special Education services, you can become a partner in customizing your child's education to accommodate their health care needs. All you need to do is write a letter to your child's school requesting he or she be evaluated for inclusion in the Special Education program. You and your child might find significant relief from an IEP or 504 Plan, which are written plans that describe (in detail) exactly what your child needs to success in school with migraine.
We fought for a long time and finally got and IEP approved for our son last year. It has made a world of difference in his stress level knowing that all of his teachers are now required by Federal law to abide by the written IEP plan.
His accommodations: flexible due dates, private testing room (trigger free), permission to wear hats and sunglasses to protect him from florescent lights, a designated quiet room if he gets an attack at school, no punishment for missing classes due to migraine, option to take oral exams versus written when symptomatic.
Has anyone else had success with this? Are you running into problems? Let me know your thoughts.