Thanks for your input Katie! I do get some migraines other times of the month as well, but never fails I get a migraine that comes right after my period, and those are the worst. Lately I can't take anything that will stop them, so they last 2 weeks. I had never been very regular, so one doc put me on a combination birth control pill to keep me regular so I'd know at least when to expect the migraine. I ended up having a severe migraine every day until I quit taking the pill. I was switched to a progestin only pill, and was on that for a while but I think it did affect my migraines negatively though not as bad.
If I was just wanting birth control I think I would go for the copper IUD, however the doc's main goal on this is to get rid of the migraines. It was my first appointment with him, and once I told him nothing was working and took a trip in to the hospital to finally get rid of it he shook his head and told me that's not the way I should have to deal with this. Triptans used to work, but they stopped working so I was switched to Naproxen as a preventitive. That recently stopped working as well.
I never considered myself as having migraine with aura, but this new doc has classified me has having them (and was appalled that I had been given the birth control pill in the first place). I don't see lights, don't smell anything different, don't get any tingling sensations, I simply feel... off. And somehow just know a migraine is starting.
I have another appointment on Wednesday, so we'll see what he says this time.