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Migraines and Other Medical Conditions

I'm curious, for those like me who have multiple medical conditions, how do migraines and those conditions interact.

A big one for me is panic attacks with my migraine aura due to my anxiety disorder. Also, I suffer from TMJ, and when it is bad I tend to get more migraines.

My asthma and allergies make me very susceptible to anything going around. And when I'm sick with something else, migraines are likely. Currently have an ear infection and sinus infection, and I had a migraine all week last week that just would not go away.

How about you all? How do your migraines and other things interact?

  1. Thanks for the new topic, - I too have multiple medical or chronic conditions and this is a major discussion for me. I am currently trying to manage inflammatory arthritis and again, pulled my neck and have been coping with a continuous migraine. Last month I had a cortisone hip injection and I tensed up so much I hurt my neck. I also have TMJ. This is also a huge trigger. I find I need to eat soft foods/drinks, not chew ice, and forget huge sandwiches and such because it will trigger intense jaw pain. This instantly affects my migraines. This past weekend my husband and I were fixing the sink caulking and needed to be under the sink for a bit - the next day I was in so much pain from migraine to strained spine muscles. It was a terrible feeling, but with time and medication, I was able to once again manage my pain, both spinal and migraine. I want you to know, you are not alone and I believe many here in the community can relate. I certainly hope others chime in and offer up their experiences to help. Thoughtfully, Rebecca (team member)

    1. I've gotten better about avoiding foods, although I still get surprised sometimes. Like the other day I ate something that it turns out was made with ham stock. Didn't realize ham was usually cured. But it is really hard to avoid stress in my line of work, and I have bad insomnia, and those feed very frequently into migraines.

    2. it sounds like you're doing a really good job making the best decisions with what is in your control. It's hard when we unknowingly eat something that ends up being a trigger or have an uncontrollable trigger like stress. We do the best we can each and every day.
      Alene (team member)

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