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Silent Migraines

I experience silent migraines i.e. there is little or no headache pain associated with the migraine. I experience a wide range of aura including:-
1. Neck pain. Varies in intensity from 1 (slight discomfort for two minutes ) to 10 (rolling about in agony on the floor for 15 minutes)
2. Classic migraine flashing lights. Slowly enlarging circle or "C" shape. (15 minutes).
3. Blind spot. Vision blocked by patch . Often appears to be made of array of tiny triangles
4 Memory disturbance. All memories scrambled. Unable to recall memories for 10-15 minutes.
5, Metallic taste in mouth. Usually a few minutes
6, Double vision. Unable to align both eyes for 10-15 minutes
7. Dizziness . Varies from slight feeling of unsteadiness to unable to stand up.
8. Yawning . Repeated yawning for 10 minutes
Other symptoms that may be connected are fatigue and tiredness. Fall asleep easily sometimes in the middle of conversations.
I suffered from epilepsy when I was young, this is controlled medically and there have been no major epilepsy events for 47 years. There is a known comorbidity between epilepsy and migraine. I am currently experiencing one of the aura symptoms per day on average. Usually they have little effect and no one will notice but they can be totally disabling. Coffee is the only consistent trigger but still not 100%. Sometimes 10% it has no effect.

  1. Hi there - Welcome to the community. I appreciate the time you've taken to share your experience with silent migraines. This is something many others in the community experience as well. My hope is that they will be along shortly to share their own experience.

    I also thought I'd share this article about silent migraines with you, in the event that it resonates with you:

    Wishing you well, and hope to continue seeing you around! - Cody (Team Member)

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