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Myers Cocktail

Has anyone heard of or tried the Myers cocktail for migraines? My friend just told me about it. It’s pretty expensive but if it works I will try anything! Just wondering if anyone has had success or would recommend it.

  1. Hi ricecakes622, thank you for your question! While you wait for others to stop by and share their experiences with you, I thought this article written by one of the pioneers of the Myers Cocktail, Dr. Alan Gaby, might be of interest. Fair warning: it is long and a bit dense, but does provide some good information!
    Please keep us posted on what you decide! Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson ( team)

    1. Hi there! I have had a few intravenous vitamins therapies 10 years ago from my naturopathic doctor. And I loved it, I felt awesome afterwards. However I had it for digestive issues that left me with fatigue and brain fog. The IV helped me a lot with that. I have wanted to try it now that I get migraines but haven't yet. Let me know if you try it and how it works for migraines. Take care!

      1. Hey there, MamaBear. Great question. We have quite a few articles on the topic of IV therapy. Here's a few I could put my hands on right away. Not sure they're relevant to you or not:

        Hopefully someone else can chime in with a personal experience. You can always dig through our archives by using the search bar on the top left of the site. Keep us posted -- I'd love to hear how your experience goes if you pursue it for migraine.

        Take care!
        Melissa, team

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