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No family history

Typically migranes run in the family however there is absolutely no record of anybody on either side of my family suffering with them. My migraines came on spontaneously around 6 months ago and very intense. I had never had one before this and i now have 2/3 a week. I have had an MRI and blood tests to rule out any possible causes and it is not menstrual related. Any ideas on where they came from if not genetic or from anything underlying?

  1. Chaz, unfortunately that's a complicated question. I'd be lying if I said there was an answer. It's important to understand the difference between a trigger and a cause here. Triggers are those circumstances and lifestyle issues that can give you individual migraine attacks -- like sleeping too little, eating the wrong food, hormones, or stress. But as to what CAUSES a person to have migraine disease in the first place? That's not certain. Hopefully someday it will be nailed down so more people can find the relief they really need.

    I hope that explains a bit. I am not an expert in migraine, so one of my colleagues here can certainly correct me if I'm wrong.

    So, all that said, how are you doing? Are you on any medication, and do you feel like it's helping? Please keep us posted!! All the best. -Melissa, team

    1. I am sorry to hear that you've begun having migraines recently. As Melissa stated - there are no answers available as to WHY people get migraines, but they can be triggered and there are so so many triggers, which are different for everyone. Sometimes thinking back and journaling about the time these began may be eye-opening as to events during your life when migraine disease started for you - i.e. stressful events, or something that was emotionally difficult for you. There are theories it can be related to high/low serotonin in the body or the electrical pattern in your brain, or as you stated hereditary or due to menstruation and flow of hormones. There may be different factors and reasons for each person. Effectively managing them is the next step in your journey so they do not become chronic.

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