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Nurtec prophylaxis weakens w time

I tried the new gepant, Rimegepant (Nurtec). The 1st time I took it I had a modicum of pain relief for about 36 hrs. The 2nd time it lasted less than 24 hrs. The 3rd time, less than 12 hrs. Now it doesn't work at all. Anyone else experience this?

  1. @amendt I'm sorry to hear that Nurtec didn't provide you with the relief you needed. It's always frustrating to try a new therapy only to have it fail for you. I've been there so many times with my husband as he battles chronic migraines. He had a similar experience when he tried Ubrelvy. It worked a little for him at first but then lost its punch as time went on and he switched to Nurtec which is still working for him, but his big breakthrough was with Emgality. That really helps with the pain aspect of his attacks. I hope that you find something that will give you the relief you desire soon. There are a lot of options out there these days. Warmly, Cheryl team

    1. Thanks Cheryl. Sooo frustrating. Now my doctor wants me to try Botox again after trying it for 3 years and except at the Apex of the bell shaped curve cycle, it does nothing. Why would I ever want to keep taking the shots if they do nothing? Oy!

    2. Just remember the treatment options are yours to make ultimately. If you have already failed a therapy then that should be it unless your doctor is able to convince you that a repeat of therapy will have a positive effect on your migraines. There are so many therapies out there to try. You need to find a therapy that you feel will work well for you with your doctor's help. I hope you and your doctor will find a therapy that you both feel will benefit you. Warmly, Cheryl team

  2. I have been taking Nurtec every other day as a preventative and I think it may be helping reduce the neurological symptoms of my migraines. The problem is, how do you prove a negative, I.e., if I hadn’t been taking the Nurtec, would my migraines have been worse

    1. Such a great question and I think it's one with which so many of us wrestle- when it comes to our medications and the frequency with which we turn to them AND when we may choose to pile on medication after medication. Which are actually helping? Which are working in concert? How would we be if we weren't taking them? When our migraine attack frequency is infrequent it can be really hard to answer these questions. When attacks are daily, this answer can be easier, but even then it can be tricky as some medications cause a rebound effect (if taken too frequently, they can cause their own migraine/headache to occur)... so, what's happening as a result of the medication? What is happening naturally? I believe the only way to really know is to work with your doctor to help evaluate your treatment regimen and ultimately conduct an experiment in which you do not take the medication in question for a window of time during which you keep a journal about your migraine attack pattern while you are not taking the medication in question and compare that to a solid window in which you are. Not only checking for frequency, but as you said, for gradation of pain - so, that journal would keep track of the scale of your pain and other symptoms. It wouldn't be fun to go without, of course, so perhaps your test window wouldn't be super long (and sorting those details out would be between you and your doctor). Of course, the reverse of this- if you had been doing so, is to review a migraine journal or diary you've been keeping and compare how you were before the treatment to how you are now. Not all of us have done that kind of record keeping to have as a baseline to look back on as we try new meds. Have you been keeping a journal? Thinking of you- Holly ( team).

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