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Palpitations with migraine, anyone?

I have vestibular migraine and sometimes get ectopic beats (skipped beats) with the dizziness that accompanies my migraine. Does anyone else get these palpitations with their migraine?

  1. Hi @Kayeff - thanks for the great question. I have vestibular migraines as well and do occasionally get ectopic beats. I always believed they were from feeling anxious about going through a migraine episode. Vertigo has a way of making it worse, as the spinning of the room is very disconcerting. I would recommend you see your treating physician and discuss this with them to rule out a serious condition. I've had heart monitoring and it has been ruled out as a worrisome symptom or condition. Wishing you the best of health and wellness. Rebecca ( community moderator)

    1. Thanks for remaining engaged in the conversation, @kayeff. Taking care of our full body systems is essential when dealing with a neurologic disorder such as migraines - they can affect each of us in different ways. As noted, I too had cardiac monitoring and was cleared. I am not why I get the beats but I manage by breathing deeply, meditating, and managing my anxiety when a vestibular migraine hits. What are some ways you managed your ectopic beats when a migraine hits? Have you been given meds for this? Rebecca ( comm moderator)

    2. i try not to freak out about the beats although it's hard cause they feel scary. I haven't been given any meds for it. I'm due to start Aimovig in a few weeks time.

      One dr told me migraines don't cause ectopics but the stress caused by a migraine can. A cardiologist said migraines affect the autonomic nervous system and that's what contributes to ectopics.

      I do know that migraines oversensitise your nervous system and can make you aware of ordinary body sensations you wouldn't normally be aware of. I can feel my heartbeat bouncing around in my head even when it's beating normally.

  2. I too am starting Aimovig in a few weeks, (waiting on approval) and hope it really helps in preventing these migraine attacks, even if just easing them ever so slightly. Wishing you the best on Aimovig.

    Ectopic beats can be nerve-wracking when dealing with them, but I find over time I've come to breathe through the episode and it calms it so much faster than when I would panic. Stress definitely causes so many different ill effects on the body, such as worsening migraines, gastro issues, numbness, etc. - it can all be frightening.

    I definitely have an over-sensitized neurologic system making me quite aware of my racing heartbeats on several occasions, not just with migraines. Stressful situations are definitely a trigger for me both migraine-wise and stress-wise.

    Hoping Aimovig is a positive experience, you manage migraines well enough, and that stress is low this season and throughout the next. Warmly Rebecca

    1. thank you. You too.

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