Australian, 27 y/o, male, 200cm, 90kg, otherwise always been healthy. Regular but not frequent headache sufferer for about 5 years (but some weeks none and other weeks a few), sometimes vascular/migraine but other times tension/muscle related, however every single time struggle to shake them even after medication, multiple/various triggers (such as caffeine withdrawal, change in sleep routine, work/stress, heat, exacerbated by light and sound). Family history on mother's side of high blood pressure and migraines. Only once vomited and a few times nausea but not common.
Recently been prescribed Inderal (Propranolol) 40mg twice a day as preventative, also have prescribed Maxalt wafers (Rizatriptan) for relief the worst/throbbing vascular headaches and Maxolon (Metoclopramide) for nausea relief. Plus have behind the counter Periactin (Cyproheptadine) for treatment of the more common / Lesser headaches, however makes me nauseas if I have two tablets (which is the recommendation for vascular headache indication after 30min) so often take a Pramin with it. I am also taking Vitamin D (was deficient) and Magnesium (for leg ached but coincidentally heard can help headaches?)
Was just wondering if there's any better (safer / non heart related) preventatives and/or that can help with tension (as I sometimes definitely get both types) and any better relief medications? As I rarely use Maxalt and you only literally get a few dissolve tablets and I'm not 100% convinced on Periactin and don't want to feel funny stomach/nauseas all the time (even though it does work to an extent and better than Paracetamol/Ibuprofen/Aspirin which just ended up not really doing anything at all and was wasting OTC medicines!)
It's just so frustrating and doctor is still investigating, ruins your day! Brain CT came back clear, as did blood work and urine (except for low Vitamin D - doctor said that can cause headaches apaprently). He suggested a neurologist potentially. But yeah the Inderal has been amazing, like magic, hadn't had a headache in WEEKS (first in years) until today's, which was caffeine withdrawal, as missed morning coffee, trying to cut down/remove as told that it can make Propranolol not work as well. And apparently Propranolol shouldn't be used with Rizatriptan?
Thank you so much. Appreciate anything (personal anecdotes/ideas/ etc)! 😀