Would like to hear from others if anxiety is a part of their migraine symptoms. I used to get into these cycles every two years and thought what I had was anxiety and panic disorder. Those cycles usually sorted themselves out after several months and then I would feel pretty good until the next cycle started, about two years later. To make a really long story short, last cycle was anything but short. Lasted about two years, and ended... close to two years ago. I take preventive medication every day, have some abortive injections in case I need them, and have mostly resumed my life. But now, again, I am getting these anxiety spells. I'll feel a bit "off", like I am looking at myself from the outside (which is pretty common for me and doesn't freak me out), my head tingles, and then wham! I just get this horrible anxious feeling. I also tend to feel a little unsteady/spinny but nothing like I have had in the past. Headache is not really prominent, don't think it has gone over a 3. I've had probably five of these spells today. In the past the spells have just gotten to the point where there is really no end to them. I was talking to my husband today and he said that although the symptoms are different, to him I look, sound and behave the same way I do when I have a migraine.
I know it is probably too early to sound the alarm bells with the neuro, but don't know how long I should wait before calling to tell him that I am having these symptoms again and I might be looking at the start of another hellish cycle (which would hopefully be much better given what he and I learned then and since). Or if I should go to the psychiatrist to get anxiety meds to calm me down. I would like your input because I am kind of scared here.
Sorry for the ramble.