I had what appeared to be an ocular migraine 2 years ago. I got mild headache and nausea but was totally over it in less than 24hrs. Then 3 weeks ago I had the aura again and soon after the nausea and headache and wanting the dark. The headache wasn't that bad, but the nausea was terrible and I had terrible photophobia. I felt horrible for about 40 hours and then I felt like it was gone for a couple of hours and just like that I got another aura. Pretty much the same feeling except being at home I went and lay down straight away and that seemed to help. But I got another aura the next day and the next! And then for another 4 days I had headaches (not severe), nausea (severe) and eye issues. Mostly photophobia I think. I could not bear to use any screens. I had a week of feeling fairly normal, but still finding it really hard to read. Even now I find I can sometimes be ok on a screen but reading black text on white paper it just feels way to glarey and uncomfortable.
I'm getting an MRI done soon as my endocrinologist thought feeling like that for that long was not necessarily migraine although my GP didn't seem too concerned. I am also seeing a neurologist in a couple of weeks. So much of what I read about migraine makes me think that's what it is, but anyone I know who has them says they are gone within a few days. I feel like I can't function because every time i get sunlight in my eyes I have to slow blink as I feel so scared I'm going to get the aura again and I can't go to shopping centres, the fluorescent lights are too bright. I tried to have an eye test and had to abort as was sure I was going to get another. I didn't get the aura but I got a headache later and bad nausea.
It feels like I'm in some kind of horrible loop and it just keeps getting set off again. I guess I just wonder if this does sound like migraine or whether it's something else? I also get blocked ears frequently and frequent headaches that aren't that severe without the other migraine symptoms so I also wonder if I've been having some milder form and now it's progressed to more classic but without really getting over properly?