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Reference to illness in a holiday card

Hi, friends!

My husband and I were picking out Father's Day cards today, and we were surprised to find a card that referenced chronic illness. Something to the effect of: "I always know that you care for us, even on the days you're not feeling your best. You're still an amazing dad."

We both really liked those sentiments, But we also don't have migraine, so our perspective is that of an outsider.

What do you think about this? Would it make you feel seen and validated to have a loved one acknowledge your struggle in this way, or would you rather them not bring it up?

I'm sure there will be a range of opinions on this. Super curious to see what everyone thinks!

Have a peaceful week. 😀 -Melissa, migraine team

  1. Hi - this is a wonderful topic to explore. I've not seen a card with mention of one's struggles or an alluded chronic illness. I would hope the giving individual would take into consideration relationship status, the depth of which my illness is discussed within the family/friendship structure, as well as the message expressed. Chronic illness is a hard topic to tackle, especially for those who do not live with one day in and day out. A message with "I hope you begin to feel better" or "We know you are strong enough to beat this" is more aimed at an injury or acute illness where days ahead one will or should return to their normal selves. But what do you say to someone who manages a chronic illness? Well ... I hope it would include a message with support - "I'll be here every step of the way" or "How can I help you manage things better?" Or take into consideration a message aimed at helping us through the fear and anxiety brought on by our illness - "Sending you wishes of relaxation as you manage each day going forward".

    Just a thought on my part. Hope others chime in and give their thoughts. Warmly - Rebecca (team member)

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