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Severe headache for days

I have been having a severe headache at the right side of my head, into my right eye for 13 days on end.. no painkillers are helping.

Both my legs also pain heavy especially at night and my spine all day...

Should I worry?

Thank you

  1. - Thank you so much for letting us know what you're up against with this intractable pain. We definitely recommend that anyone who is experiencing unusual pain - something that is new to you- should be seen by a doctor. What you are experiencing definitely sounds concerning if these symptoms are not a normal part of your migraine condition. Have you been diagnosed with migraine? Do you see a neurologist? If not, we'd encourage you to start by notifying your general practitioner for evaluation. If these types of headaches continue for you, we'd recommend you seek evaluation and care through a migraine specialist. If you would like some referrals to migraine specialists, please let us know. In the meantime, we are thinking of you and hope you get some relief! Stay in touch and let us know how you are faring. Warmly- Holly team.

    1. Hi, I just wanted to check in with you. Are you feeling any better since you shared this the other day? Have you reached out to your doctor? Please let us know when you are feeling up to it, we have a genuine concern for your well-being. Hope you can get to the bottom of this. Thinking of you.- Melissa, team

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