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Shortage of ergotamine

I have suffered from migraines since I was 10 years old. I have been on many, many different medication‘s. The only one that works is a drug called Ergotamine Tart/Caffine suppositories, also known as Migergot 100 mg-2 mg suppositories or Cafergot. For some reason Ergotamine The ingredient needed to make the suppository Is in short supply. I have mine compounded at a local pharmacy. They cannot find a drug company that has it in stock. If anyone can help me find a reason for this I would appreciate your input and advice on this. to buy it from a drug company not a compounding pharmacy for 10 suppositories the price is almost $2,000. I have no idea why a compounding pharmacy will charge me $150 for 40 of them. I’d like to know the reason for the cost difference.

  1. hi there. I am not in the pharmaceutical business, and do not have much knowledge on this. I did find an article about this information. I wanted to share this with you:,same%20product%20than%20retail%20pharmacies. I hope this helps you with your question. Thank you for asking and being part of the community. I hope that some others will chime in also. (Tonya, team member).

    1. Tonya,
      Thank you for replying to my question. The article you sent me implied that drug companies can charge any amount they want. Some will put a discount on certain drugs but not on Migergot Suppositories. Oh Well!
      Again thanks for the information.
      Have a great day!

  2. This sounds so frustrating! I don't have an answer for you- just validating the challenge. I'm assuming you've asked a pharmacy or the compounding pharmacy directly as to your very reasonable question. Also, has anyone given a reason as to why there is a shortage in the first place and how much longer it may last? Sorry you are having to deal with this on the only treatment that works for you. Thinking of you- Holly (team member).

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