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Starting down the migraine road

So, in December I started to get daily headaches, and so I had the usual things you do, go the opticians, and since I normally have eye problems and eye pain, visit the eye clinic. Neither showed anything up. Thought blood pressure or o2 saturation but both are fine.
My doctor got me to try Amytripaline, no effect, then Sumatriptan, which seemed to work perfectly after about an hour, then moved me onto Rizatriptan as it's supposed to work faster. So it seems like a migraine.
Now I still get daily headaches but one of these 2 will get rid of it, but I can't take them everyday 🙁 meaning that on the days I don't take them I can end up with a headache until sometime in the afternoon, but sometimes until I go bed, with various intensities - it can be a pounding pain, or a dull ache (or transform between one and the other during the day), but all are affected by light and sound.
Most days I'll wake up with a headache, either as soon as I wake up, or shortly after I get out of bed. Sometimes it'll wake me up at 4am (last time after a hot flush at 2am!)
I've even had it fade away during the morning, then go lightheaded at lunch time and have a pounding headache all afternoon, othertimes I'll have a hot flush and then the headache starts.
All the time I get the "typical" symtoms: unable to concentrate, feeling "spaced out", nausea. Trying to concentrate just makes my head hurt more and things take much longer, so some times I just give up and work on something else.
Now I have a new symtom: my alterness seems to have changed. For example, I was crossing a road, looked, didn't see anything and then proceeded to cross and then someone blasted their horn at me because they were there and I just didn't see them. This has happened twice so far. Never happened before.
Does this all seem normal so far? Anything else I should be expecting around the corner?

  1. Hi there, welcome to the community. 😀 Sorry that you've found yourself in the migraine club. You're in the right place here with us -- we get it!

    I can't give medical advice for your own safety, though many of the things you described (nausea, spaciness, sensitivity to light/sound, temperature changes, vision issues) can all happen with migraine disease.

    One thing I want to clarify: Are you female and approaching menopause? When you say "hot flushes," I think of hot flashes that can happen to women going through menopause. Hormone changes can be a huge trigger for migraine, so this may be something to explore even if you feel it doesn't apply.

    It's also best to work with a certified headache or migraine specialist whenever possible. GPs and neurologists are good doctors, but neither one focuses on migraines exclusively. Here are two websites that have directories of specialists:

    I hope some of this is useful to you. Please keep asking as many questions as you want -- migraine is so tricky and can change, too. Wishing you all the best. -Melissa, team

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