My grandson (26 years old) has been having strange migraines daily for a year now, and doctors can't figure it out. First thing that happens is he gets very nauseous. That can last from 30 minutes to hours. Then he has a violent sneezes and the nausea goes away. When he sneezes he gets a Charlie horse In the neck. The only way to get it to relax is to pull up on his head. After the sneeze he gets a terrible migraine. Mostly in the temples, but sometimes the whole head. He says it feels like his scalp is on fire. This happens sometimes 5 times a day. He's been to several kinds of doctors that only want to treat one thing. One wants to treat the stomach, another wants to treat allergies and another wants to treat the migraines. They are all connected. He went 10 days with all symptoms disappearing at the same time, so we know that it is all connected. Has anyone experienced this strange thing that happens to him. Need help. It is impossible to work. Lost his job, car and the will to live. Anyone????