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The Back of my head is hopping with pains

I can't put my hand at the back of my head. This is going on for the last 3 weeks last week and this week are my worse I am seeing Double lorries. from last week this week is so bad I have to hit the bed close the bedroom in Darkness. that's every day. The Score of my pain at the back of my head is 10 out of 10 NO BREAK WITH HEAD PAINS AT THE BACK OF MY HEAD. I am not safe in my APARTMENT DUE TO HEAD PAINS. and my MIGRAINE VERTIGO. Dizzyspills. Falls. That's my Story.

  1. Hi Eileen- I'm just checking in again here to really strongly encourage you to seek medical care as soon as possible. We recommend people to get medical advice and care when they are experiencing new or worsening symptoms. I know your doctor wasn't available to you yesterday- if that is the case again today, I hope you will follow their advice and go to urgent care so you can seek evaluation and relief. We are thinking of you. Warmly, Holly ( team).

    1. Holly Harding.. Yes, I will follow up everything you said to me today. Thanks again for all your help and support since yesterday and today. I am frighted in going to St. Vincent's Hospital. why Because the Managers, Dr's, and Nurses, tell me how many times I was over in A/E. Thats Stress me out big time. This go's on every time I have to go over to A/E in St, Vincent's Hospital. That's why I do not want to go over to St Vincent's Hospital. I hope you understand where I am coming from. Eileen Delany.

      1. No pressure to do anything you are uncomfortable doing. Hospitals can be very stressful places and sometimes counterintuitive/indicated for migraine due to all the reasons you mentioned plus the bright lights, loud noises, long waits, etc. I hope you can get into be seen by your doctor tomorrow as you mentioned and that you can get some rest today in the meantime. We are thinking of you and sorry you are experiencing such pain and discomfort. Warmly, Holly ( team).

    2. Holly Harding. A big Thank you for your kind warm words. I am so grateful to what you send to me. Thank you for all your help and support today. My bedroom is in darkness for the last three weeks. I put on the Mindfulness App It puts me to sleep for Two or Three hours every day. Getting back about my Dr The Dr is ringing me in the morning at 9.45am. I am staying out of Hospital tonight. I will update you on how things went with the Dr. My own Dr is back from her A/L next week.

      1. Just checking in to see how you are feeling. Glad you are taking the proactive step with the mindfulness app! That's wonderful. Thinking of you- Holly ( team).

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