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Tired of migraines

I have had migraines for 35 years and tried zomig, max alt and several others that are for migraines and had a reaction so I am not able to take these medications. Have taken topramate for the past 10 years and baclophen as a preventative measure now it doesn’t seem to be working. Trying amovig to see if it works. Have had 4 migraines and just started the new medication a month ago and told it would take 4 months for it to start working. Hard to work with a migraine. I just want to hide in a dark cold corner with no noise.

  1. I'm sorry to hear that you having a difficult time finding a new preventative that will work with your body. Migraine often changes over time, as does how our bodies react and metabolize different medications. Working during a migraine cycle is very challenging. I hope you find that Aimovig helps your attacks in time. There are also hundreds of other combination therapies that can be explored with your doctor. There is always hope for us (even when we hide in that cold, dark corner in silence). We are here for you. Sending prayers and ((HUGS)) your way! Warmly, Cheryl team

    1. I hear you!! Like said, it's very frustrating when our migraine prevention regimen seems to be less effective. The thing is it's not uncommon for our treatment plan to need adjustments from time to time, mine sure have.

      Try not to lose hope, there are over 100 medications, supplements, devices, complementary therapies and lifestyle modifications that can be used to treat migraine disease and most of us are on a combination of these. Let me share this information if you haven't seen it; Please let me know what you think! Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team

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