I'm sorry nothing came up! Not sure what's up with the search. Sometimes it can be a bit finicky. Here's what I found when the search cooperated with me; https://migraine.com/search?s=osmophobia
You're not alone in having scents trigger an attack. Also called olfactory hallucinations, scents can definitely trigger (not cause, we don't exactly know what causes migraine disease) an attack. As I age I'm noticing more and more scents seem to trigger me, which makes me very unhappy! We had men working on our chimney this morning and one was smoking outside. Of course the windows were open and I knew I was going to be in trouble if I didn't do something. I grabbed my trusty handheld difuser filled with a pleasing to me essential oil, and was able to avoid an attack. Let me share a pic of mine with you;
Let me know what you think! Wishing you a low pain day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Advocate/Moderator