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Urine Tox Screens - Problems?

Today I was told “you are not taking it,” about pain medicine that I do use.
This was a medical assistant, letting me know that my neurologist would “absolutely not” prescribe this med for me. The doctor himself would not speak to me about it.

Apparently this med didn’t show on a urine test.
I said “I AM using it. He can’t just stop it cold.” She said “No. No you are not using it. If it didn’t show up in your urine, you’re not taking it.”

Does anyone have an idea why a med that I use would not show up in a urine test?
I am confused and humiliated.
-Kate 🌷

  1. Hi Kate - I'm sorry to hear that this happened today. I can understand why you might be feeling the way that you're feeling 🙁. I encourage you to consider reaching out to your doctor for more clarification if you still feel confused about it. They are likely the best source of information in sorting things out. I know you said that they refused to speak with you today after this incident, but maybe if you reached out and stated you had some questions, they would be willing to discuss it. And as always, keep us in the loop as the situation progresses if you feel comfortable. We're here for you. Warmly, - Cody (Team Member)

    1. Thanks Cody; I appreciate your support!

      1. I hate this for you. I did a search and one resource I found said that a number of factors can impact your urine screening, including dosage amount, time since last dose, rationing of the drugs (made me think of something you shared previously), your metabolism, interactions with other drugs, problems with the sample or the lab interpretation, etc etc etc etc.

        I'm not sure what I would do if I were you. At this point they are being so cold and neglectful that I am concerned you would not receive even adequate care even for smaller issues. Try to get as much communication as possible in writing -- that way you have an official record of their actions should you need it later.

        Thinking of you. You know what's true! -Melissa, team

        1. Oh wow, Melissa! - thanks so much for that list of possibilities! I mean, I thought there must be some reasons for it, which is why I would expect a doctor to at least speak to me about it.
          Weird experience, overall.

          I have been rationing the med that he refuses to prescribe now; so I wondered if the last dose might just not show up.
          Years ago, I had a doctor who simply asked me to repeat a test that had come out not showing my med.

          1. Right, that would be typical in my experience as well. If the test comes out with unexpected results, repeating it is standard in most cases. I find myself once again questioning this office. :\ I can't give medical advice and ultimately we support whatever choice you make for your healthcare, Kate. That said, it's certainly concerning. -Melissa, team

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