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Hi I started suffering from sore neck dizziness and a "funny feeling with my eyes" I had 2 x mri's and 3 visits to Neurologists over 4 year with no diagnosis. I ended up in emergency 4 times in one month, wth a diagnosis on my last visit. 3 days on Amitriptyline and bye bye all symptoms 100%. unfortunately 3 years on the drug and the migraine is returning.
On another note I used to be a firefighter and had a lot of exposure to PFAS (the forever molecule) on the list of symptoms of exposure to PFAS is Verigo. Thought anybody? anybody had exposure to PFAS, especially firefighters with symptoms of vertigo, of vestibular migraine?
Holly Harding Member
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Hi there,
First, I'm glad to hear you had a break from the troubling symptoms you were experiencing for the last three years. Are you being followed by a migraine specialist currently or a neurologist? Do you have any guesses as to what might've recently changed to cause an uptick in you migraine frequency?
We don't seem to have any information our site on PFAS. A quick check on Google doesn't seem to show a clear connection to migraine but there can be a connection between PFAS and neurological issues. You probably know that migraine is a neurological condition - so perhaps therein lies the tie. Vertigo can be a part of Vestibular migraine but can also show up as a symptom of regular migraine.
I'll be interested to hear your answers to the questions I posed above. We are here for you - to provide information and support anytime! Warmly - Holly (team member)
Steved Member
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Hi, I will clarify. I started having vertigo about 20 years ago beginning quite mildly this and other symptom increased over the years with neck pain, headache and "a funny feeling behind and with my eyes' It started becoming unbearable about 2015 where i sought help it was horrible and was undiagnosed for about 3 to 4 years. Having 2 MRI's and one specialist Neurologist with no diagnosis from a scale of 1 to 10 is was never a zero during this period it was always there with no letup. I told my doctor if it was not fixed I was thinking suicide my be my only option and I meant it. Anyway I ended up in emergency about 5 times in 6 weeks, vomiting unable to open my eyes headache, bouncing off walls when I was able to walk at all. No diagnosis was forthcoming. But on my last visit I was told by a specialist I was having a classic "vertiginous" Migraine and he wondered why it was not diagnosed earlier. I have also had it called "vestibule migraine" or "Complex migraine" I understood that "vestibular" migraine by it's very nature has "vertigo" as its primary feature and would not be called vestibular without that feature.
On that last visit I was prescribed Amitriptyline. Within 3 days the symptoms totally diapered altogether. so after being on the drug for about 4 years or so the symptoms started coming back slowly I had my dose go from 25mg to 50 mg which is keeping it at a relatively low level but very slowly increasing. My doctors and my pharmacist suspect my body (Migraine) is becoming resistant to the drug thus less efficacious. My exposure to PFAS was heavy and it was Military spec AFFF 9 aquas film forming foam, being the source which is also a now known carcinogen especially to the renal system which both of my cancers are. I only mention that so you can gauge my level of exposure. Thanks for getting back on this.
Nancy Harris Bonk Member
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Thank you for sharing your update with us and all you do for our country. I Am I reading correctly you have cancer as well? If so, I'm so sorry to hear this. How is the treatment going? I'm sending all the good vibes your way.
Back to your head - it's not uncommon to need a dose adjustment and/or change to the medications we take to help manage migraine disease. I've had to do this many times. I'm currently getting Botox every three months and sort of stable.
I do wonder if it's time to seek out help from a doctor who is a true expert in treating migraine and headache disease. Let me explain - general neurologists may be fine doctors but have a hard time being experts in one area because they treat so many conditions such as stroke, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and more. Many general neurologists who treat people with migraine and headache disease claim to be experts but that may not be 100% accurate. A true migraine/headache disease expert is board certified in headache medicine (not all neurologists have this certification) and treats migraine and headache all day, every day. Here is more information on why these doctors are beneficial and where to find them;
I can tell you these expert doctors have had a huge impact in my care. I hope you let me know what you think and I'm sending you pain free wishes, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (Team Member)
Steved Member
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Thanks so much Nancy, I am Australian and assume there will be specialists here. I will seek them out on your advice.
Nancy Harris Bonk Member
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I sorry I haven't seen this until today. You mentioned you're from Australia, there is an organization in AU called Migraine Australia and has loads of information you may be interested in;
Let me know what you think! Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (Team member)
lisawisconsin Member
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This is totally unscientific, but I watched the movie Dark Waters. It really opened my eyes. I am allergic to formaldhyde, and propelene glycol, and many other chemicals. I grew up in the frypan, quick food, fast food, Tupperware, isn't this convenience wonderful era. I still remember using my first makeup at 15 and having my head seriously balloning so big that I looked like a martian, my eyes were swollen shut. My mom took me to doctor, and the poor woman tried...I seriously wanted a bag over my head I looked so awful, she said here, take my sunglasses...they were the tiny hornrimmed cat glasses of the time...comic relief if you will. Can you imagine? Did a patch test and found all the allergies.
Back to present day. This stuff manifests in your body. Even a cigarette smoke has formaldhyde in it. Just last night we were driving home and I could smell the pesticides sprayed on the fields and I'm like here we go. However, I am glad to see the PFOA free trend and no more formadehyde in alot of things. BUT...Amerian rules are alot more lax than European. So I really have to read labels and watch it.
Please take the advice of the moderators as I've only been on here a couple of days as you have alot more serious situation than I. I have found more help than months worth of searching on my own through this forum.
Will be thinking of you.
Nancy Harris Bonk Member
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Thank you for your very kind words. It's so good to hear our information resonates with you! As I frequently say, we get it and are here for you!
Pain free wishes on the way, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)
Holly Harding Member
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