Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this has happened! We have heard of this happening with some of the CGRPs. Glad you have an appointment coming up in June (though I'm sure that can't happen soon enough with this uptick in attack frequency). I've had migraine for many decades and have found that the best chances I have at relief are when my doctor and I work to cobble various treatments together. I have rarely had success with just one approach. For instance, I get Botox injections and also take Emgality. Either one of those on their own doesn't seem to help much, but together I get better relief. Also wondering if you've yet to try Nurtec (both a preventative and rescue) or Ubrevly? There are a lot of new treatments coming out these days. All this said, I know what a disappointment it is to watch the efficacy of a treatment that was successful disintegrate right in front of you. It's really disheartening! We are here for you and in this with you- every step of the way. We're so glad you're with us. Let us know how that appointment goes in June. Thinking of you. Warmly- Holly -migraine.com team.