I learned a couple of things from this video. I hadn’t heard of the inter-lctal stage before. I’ve often felt that I have “low grade” migraines between chronic migraines, and I think those would be in the inter-lctal stage. My neuro couldn’t explain them.
I also appreciated the “Brain Electricity” part, and it has some good visuals and info on menstrual migraines.
I haven’t tried Neura Health, btw. I’d be interested to hear anyone’s take on them.
The video is on their site and the Neura Health YouTube channel. I hope it will be helpful. https://www.neurahealth.co/blog/what-happens-in-your-brain-during-migraine-pathophysiology?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=209346239&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--Lq2Bm6jVOgla1auUG7cPsed7NPF9zY2ierCJuE8ewBIPxztvp5rVObaWbqznGSGgJ2zPdo4UvN44lbE7NZiEbuDODWA&utm_content=209346239&utm_source=hs_automation