So for several months have been having headaches every single day. Most of the time they start as soon as I wake up start as a pulsating in Temple then through out the day go to my forehead, side of head, and back of head at times each head pains last just seconds to minutes with a few lasting 15-30 minutes. Having zig zag lines in my eyes, unbalanced feel off. Also three weeks ago woke up with neck tightness and pain since then have had ringing in the ears, once in a while a tingeling or pain for a second in my cheek or lip can happen on either side not just one sided. Also at times can have a almost crawling feeling on top of my head like a tickle .Jaw pain for a second at times as well. Feeling fatigued and odd. Went to the ER two nights ago due to my issues. They did a CT scan and said it came back normal I'm losing it what is going on with me.