I started getting migraines 30 years ago, although all throiugh my life I have suffered headaches. After beating them back using techniques from Heal Your Headache by Dr. David Buchholz, they recently started re-occuring. After some trial and error, here is what works for me now:
BTW, I am in my early 70s.
1. Went off fresh tomatoes.
2. Substituted scallions for onions.
3. Started 75mg daily of nortryptiline. per Buchholz.
3. As soon as I get an inkling of predrome, I take two ibuprofen. 15 minutes later, I start taking two homeopathic Migraine Relief pills from Hyland's, then repeat every 15 minutes three more times ( total of four times with the Hyland pills ). This usually either stalls the migraine out, or reduces it sufficiently to merely be a minor annoyance. The ibuprofen seems to work better than aspirin.
4. If the predrome or migraine incident happens at night, I also take some ZzzQuill, from Vick's, shortly before bedtime I use only the kind with Melatonin+, Chamomile and Lavender. It is available in gummy pills or liquid. Use only this type of ZzzQuill, they have others with chemicals; read the label. This usually knocks out whatever lingering headache I may have and I get a great night's sleep too as a bonus.
I still take ( resulting from reading Buchholz's books many years ago ) daily Magnesium 400 mg and avoid caffeine altogether.
As they say, your mileage may vary.