I have a migraine everyday. The days I don’t have a migraine are NOT the norm. Migraines go back four generations in my family that I know of. If I catch the migraine before it gets bad and I’m in bed the day goes better for me. How do I walk the line of MOH verses my daily “headache”? My current doctor wants me to go off all and every type of pain meds including OTC.
I cannot stay in bed day after day. It’s hard to be in bed for several days a month as it is. I live with all my shades closed everyday and get extreme pain with any type of bright light in my eyes. I have glasses with the darkest tint I could get just so I can go outside. I do not allow the doc to shine his light in my eyes for pupil checks.
I may be naive but what’s the difference between mental health meds and migraines? The last time I had a migraine for several weeks and had to stay in bed all that time I attempted suicide just to try and find relief. I told my current doctor that but he still says I have to be one month free of a headache before he will talk migraine preventive meds. Most of my siblings have daily migraines and same With my ancestors. The doc for my great grandma said “you’re a Mill of course you have migraines” I’ve seen multiple neurologists Where do I draw the line?