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worsening of migraines following Astrazenica vaccine

Hi all, I wanted to share the fact that my migraines and headaches have significantly worsened (I believe) since getting the Astrazenica Covid Vaccine. Since the first dose I've had a headache or a migraine almost daily. I'm finding it very hard to get GPs/NHS/neurologist to volunteer any information of potential link with vaccine. I'm pretty certain there is a correlation in my case between the two. I've also got slightly elevated pressure behind my eyes and am awaiting a referral to an ophthalmologist (as well as to have a second MRI to include orbits - the first MRI showed no sign of thrombosis).

Ive been really suffering for over two months. I had GON injections into the back of my head which gave me about 10 days of relief (just light headaches) but the migraines have since returned. I have a history of chronic headaches and occasional migraines but they have definitely worsened since getting the vaccine. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I've started taking noritryptiline prophylaxis as of three days ago to see if this helps.

  1. So sorry you have been having such a rough run of it with migraine attacks after your COVID vaccine. We do have some other posts on the topic that you might find interesting here:

    Sounds like you are on a smart course with the making of these related appointments for further evaluation. In the meantime, really hope the triptan taken proactively begins to provide some relief.

    Thinking of you- Holly ( team)

    1. As Holly noted, we've had a lot of buzz about this topic lately. The US doesn't have AstraZeneca, but we have heard similar complaints regarding our other 3 vaccines. It's worth noting that many people that get COVID itself also have upticks in migraine afterward, may just be the nature of the beast. :\ So sorry you are going through this. Have you reported this to your healthcare team and to the proper authorities? Please know that you are not alone and that we are always here to listen and offer support. I know that doesn't fix it, but we do understand. Please keep us updated about how you're doing! -Melissa, team

      1. Hi, I just read your post and I too had the Astra Zeneca vaccines in February and May this year. Like you, my headaches and migraines have increased in intensity and frequency since and I now have dizziness too which I cannot remember having pre vaccine. I was just wondering if things have settled down for you now. I'm on day four of my current migraine and dreading the next one. Thanks. 😊

        1. So sorry to hear you've been having an increase in severity and frequency since getting the vaccine. Glad Michele chimed in below with what sounds like hope on the horizon. Hope that may apply to you as well. Also really hoping your current four-day long migraine ceases soon. Thinking of you - let us know how you're doing. Warmly- Holly ( team).

        2. One other thing I wanted to mention is to encourage you, if you haven't already, to check in with your specialist/neurologist about the dizziness as that is a new symptom for you. Although dizziness is a common neurological symptom that accompanies migraine, it's always a good thing to report a new changes as they appear. Thinking of you- Holly ( team).

      2. Hi Maisy, so sorry to learn that you too have been suffering. So the good news is that I have had a couple of good months which I'm putting down to the strength of the vaccine having perhaps reduced. I had a real dilemma recently about having a covid booster jab but I spoke to a headache specialist (who, by the way, gave me the 31 botox injections form of treatment) - and decided to go ahead and have the Pfizer booster. Since then I've had light headaches but not so many bad headaches and migraines. I'm not sure if this is because the botox has helped or because Pfizer is a less headache/migraine inducing vaccine. But I definitely eventually felt much better by late October/November time. I very much hope this happens for you too and soon. Do let me know if you have any further questions. I know how awful it can be. Take care Michele

        1. Understandable that you would be holding out on the booster for the time being as things have been so volatile with your migraine pattern. Very glad to hear the recent intractable attack finally broke. Hope you get a break here for a while so you catch your breath and think about and tend to other things. Our thoughts are with you. Warmly- Holly ( team).

        2. Thanks for taking the time to help me understand your journey a bit more. We definitely encourage those who have frequent migraine, or those who've had a change in their migraine pattern, to seek an evaluation from a doctor. Ideally that would be from a migraine specialist- these doctors have received extra training in the complex neurological condition that is migraine. The field is evolving and new treatments are being introduced so frequently, it can be helpful to have a specialist partnering with you as you continue your journey. Here is a link to a list of migraine specialists in the US in case you might find one near you (unfortunately there is a shortage of these doctors currently):
          Finally, here is an interactive map of current treatments for migraine- in case you might like to review it to see if there is anything you haven't heard of and may be interested in exploring further:
          Hope that might prove interesting and informative to you.
          Please let us know if you have any questions. We are here to provide information and support any time. Warmly- Holly ( team).

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