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Primary Badge Member


"Three months of mostly eye auras, some throbbing and light sensitivity. It was fantastic to have three months of my life back. I had started to think that the chronic migraines were behind me now. I was only doing Botox and a daith piercing, watching my diet closely, exercising and keeping hydrated. Out of the blue Monday night, I had an aura and then my head caught fire, nauseous. lost my balance, couldn't hold my head up. Everything came crashing down. Couldn't take my rescue meds because I was throwing everything up. This episode finally started going away last night. Now dealing with the hangover. I feel blessed to have had three wonderful months. Most people aren't getting that chance. Am I back to square one again? Funny how the sound, light and smells start where they left off. This disease can be very cruel. Really depressed now, but trying to be positive and look at the three months that I had and think this is just a set back. "


"Three months of mostly eye auras, some throbbing and light sensitivity. It was fantastic to have three months of my life back. I had started to think that the chronic migraines were behind me now. I was only doing Botox and a daith piercing, watching my diet closely, exercising and keeping hydrated. Out of the blue Monday night, I had an aura and then my head caught fire, nauseous. lost my balance, couldn't hold my head up. Everything came crashing down. Couldn't take my rescue meds because I was throwing everything up. This episode finally started going away last night. Now dealing with the hangover. I feel blessed to have had three wonderful months. Most people aren't getting that chance. Am I back to square one again? Funny how the sound, light and smells start where they left off. This disease can be very cruel. Really depressed now, but trying to be positive and look at the three months that I had and think this is just a set back. "

About sysad

  • Member Since 2017