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In addition to pain, sickness, and - for many - daily disability, migraine carries a severe burden of discrimination and negativity from many community members. This is social stigma.

How do we change the stigma?

History demonstrates that diseases that are stigmatized, like HIV and breast cancer, can only change in the public’s mind when the patients and their families come together in community action asking for recognition. Diseases in which the patients do not stand up for themselves remain badly stigmatized, and patients do not receive the research or therapies needed to effectively treat their condition. This is true even if doctors speak up for the disease; patients and their families must take over the effort.

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What does participating give patients?

Patients with migraine and other headache diseases often do not have the chance to stand up for their disease and thus themselves. They desperately need an opportunity to do something positive about their condition. It is basic psychology that you will feel better about yourself by collaborating positively with a group. Patients also need a way to encourage their families and friends to participate for migraine; doing something for someone else’s disease transforms attitudes and provides them an opportunity to learn about the scope of migraine.

Why Miles for Migraine?

Migraine is a major disease that receives about 1/20th of the research dollars that should be given to it based upon its impact. Migraine patients desperately need new research to discover new treatments, and more headache researchers and clinical specialists need to be trained. Miles for Migraine does all these things by bringing patients together in community while participating in an activity that is good for your health!

How can I get involved?

This year, our Walk/Run/Relax event in Philadelphia (on October 1st) will include a family fun zone, scavenger hunt, and post-event brunch with speakers on treatment options.

So please WALK, RUN, or VOLUNTEER for Miles for Migraine.

Please visit us at to sign up or for more information.

Shirley Kessel
Miles for Migraine

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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