I was finally diagnosed with chronic migraine last fall. After trying several failed preventative meds, I received my first Botox treatment 2 months ago. Not sure if it's helping yet, but I know it can take awhile. What I feel like I'm struggling with is never ending sinus issues. I see an allergist, and I've had a sinus infection/irritation since December. With that, I've had congestion, runny nose, stuffy ears, and stuffy head. I've gone through several nose sprays and antibiotics. Some work better than others. For the most part, my headaches are usually at my temples. Sometimes, I can feel pressure in my forehead and my ears. My cheeks will get sore, too, if it's a bad one. The nasal spray I'm on now is really good, so I don't have much nasal symptoms, but I still feel the pressure. Does this sound like sinus issues, and has anyone experienced this in conjunction with chronic migraine? Thanks!