Migraine Is An Addict & I Am It’s Dealer!

Migraine is an addict and unfortunately began its “use” of me in my teens. I am in my mid-fifties now and have had chronic migraine since early 2000. In my teenage years, Drs said it was sinus pressure. It wasn’t. It was the beginning of a long addiction for the monster we all call migraine. I say migraine is an addict because it cannot get enough of me. It takes my life, my joy, my physical health, my mental health, and my relationships to feed itself.

Disability & mental health

At age 53 I was forced to retire from a career in Healthcare Management I loved. Years of different preventives and trips to “Headache Clinics” around the country; including an 11-day stay at one facility gave me hope but ended the same. The addict came back in full-force, consuming my life. Subsequent major depression set in and has yet to be controlled with medication. Divorce followed after 17 years. I am now considered disabled. I can barely say the words much less tell people who only see me on good days. How do you explain it?

Migraine treatment and triggers

I am currently on Ajovy after trying Aimovig and Emgality. I took my most recent injection Wednesday followed by my “addict” consuming me into a 3-day migraine. I have rotation abortives. Sound familiar? I know to stay away from preservatives, too much alcohol, too much sun (I live on a lake), loud noise and flashing lights. I’ve also been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue from recurring Epstein Barr and Fibromyalgia.

Missing family time

I’m blessed with Grandchildren but have to measure my time and energy carefully. Like everyone with migraine, we have missed important events, parties, concerts, vacations, time with family and friends we can’t get back.

Migraine is an addict - taker of life - there is no rehab for the addict called migraine.

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