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Migraine Extraordinaire

I'm 25, nearly 26, and I've had migraines as long as I can remember. Certainly since I was 13. It runs in the family and I have a few friends who suffer occasionally, and a few who have 'migraines'. We all know one or two of those people. The ones with a headache who take paracetamol and are fine but they're convinced it was a migraine and don't understand why that doesn't work for every one and really 'they aren't that bad!'. They are that bad! I joined this site after following on Facebook and for once I felt normal. I didn't feel like a moaning outsider who no one understands for once I felt like those weird cold toes and odd 'not real' feelings are actually normal in their own special way.

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I try not to let it impact my life and I'm proud to say I haven't had a day off work due to migraine for 3 years now. I have chronic migraine but I seem to be able to push through the 9 hours each day and then crash out once at home. I remember reading an article (after a particularly bad migraine in which I had convinced myself I was actually dying and if I wasn't dying I was going to be severely disabled) and it said that people with migraine don't tend to hold high positions in companies and they don't earn high salaries. I thought to myself 'not me!' so far it's ruined countless occasions and I've cried off on more than one special occasion.

Recently I tried new medication which kept me migraine free for 3 whole weeks. Not a flicker of a pain, a throb, cold toes, sore scalp, slurred speech, confusion, anger, random excitement or runny nose in sight. And for those 3 wonderful weeks I had the most amazing time. Not doing anything particular, just working without the threat of being bed bound from 6pm or dreading the weekend because I had plans and I just knew it would happen before or after the fun. Then it started again. It feels worse, I don't know if that's because they really are or because I've experienced life on the other side.

For now I'm using this site as my sanity checker. So when things happen to me I can check and see that actually I'm not defective I'm part of a group of people who have more empathy to others than any other group I know. Pain is subjective and despite my earlier comments about people with 'migraine', if you feel that badly then you have my sincere sympathies. Too often have I been fobbed off with the 'it's just a head ache' or 'have some tablets and go to sleep' advice. The best thing you can do for any person who is suffering is to say 'ok I understand I hope you feel better here is an ice pack for your head and let me know when you're out of it and you're ravenously hungry for no apparent reason and we'll go and get a footlong subway!'. Now that is love!

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