Fighting For My Normal Life

My migraines started in my late 20's. I would get migraines periodically, no big deal. I would talk Tylenol and be done. Well, the older I got the worse it got. By the time I was in my mid 30's I was having migraines that would last a month. At this time I was living in Zambia. This is when the doctors diagnosed me with chronic migraines.

Trying different treatment options

When they wouldn't go away I would go to the clinic and get injections. I lost my eyesight and was hospitalized due to migraines. I ended up seeing a neurologist there and it helped. My migraines were under control.

When I moved back to the States my migraines started getting worse. Nothing was helping at 1st. But, finally, propanol helped with Topomax. Then it stopped. I got my daiths pierced and that helped. Then it stopped. At this point, I was going to school for theology and teaching Sunday school at church. My new doctor decided to try me on Nurtec and Aimovig. They worked great at 1st. By the end of 2020 nothing was helping. I gave up school and teaching to try to get my migraines under control. I also started working primarily from home.

Migraine symptoms

Finally, I decided to get health insurance to get the care I needed. At this point, my migraines were both light and sound sensitivity. They would stay on the right side of my head. My face goes numb, I lose vision in my right eye, vertigo, dizziness, and nausea, to name a few. The migraine would hurt so bad I felt like someone hit me in the face with a baseball bat. My eye would just hurt. The migraine would last 2-3 weeks.

Migraine and headache specialist

I started seeing a headache specialist after seeing my primary doctor and neurologist. I also saw an ophthalmologist and TMJ specialist. I had blood work done and 5 MRIs. Everything came back clean. I was taken off the Aimovig and Propanol to try other meds. The medication is still not working. I've had this migraine for 17 weeks. This is the longest I've ever had a migraine. We're trying to get Botox but my insurance won't cover it. I'm currently getting nerve blocks monthly. I don't feel the migraine pain but still have symptoms.

Lifestyle changes

This is definitely an uphill battle. I have given up everything because of the migraines. I stopped hanging out with friends. If I made plans they were canceled. I stay in my darkroom because I know it's safe. I couldn't go shopping alone because everything became too much, too much light, too much sound. Then symptoms would start appearing. This also affected my family because I didn't want to do anything but sleep.

Now I'm trying to take back my life, although it's a huge challenge. I've started exercising again. I go to work. I try. I don't give up hope. This is how I fight my battles. Thank you

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