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First Time Tracking

I am taking a moment, while the symptoms are low, to jot this down, because it seems I don't have many pain-free hours.

As many people who are affected by chronic migraine know, sometimes it can feel like you're never NOT in pain. Sometimes it's a game of figuring out, "can I actually eat today? How about those plans I made, will those be happening or will I be coming up with another clever way out?". It isn't a fun song to dance to but we've learned the moves by heart. Well, I found this site and began to question how often I really was doing the dance, so I began tracking my migraines on the 13th (it's the 22nd, just in case I edit this before I post it).

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So far I have had 1 attack-free day since. I have been astounded at the results. Baffled really. Here I thought I was making a mountain out of a molehile but no, I am literally always either in pain, having auras, or recovering from a migraine.

I'm trying to not let the voices of my abusive parents climb on top of me: "the more you think about it the more it will happen, so if you track them you're just asking for more attention". That isn't true, right? People track migraines and seizures, don't they? That's normal, expected, encouraged?

I just never know anymore.

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