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How hard it has been

My life as a migraneur began when I hit 13, it was summer of 2008 as I can clearly remember when I first feel the symptoms of a migraine. I can still recall how after eating a bowl of champorado I saw flashing of lights (or kaleidoscopic - that's the best way I can describe it), felt dizzy and severe eye and head pain, puked and real weak. It lasted for about 4 hours and reoccur after a year and a half when I was on my Geometry class. The same exact sequence happened. So I decided to cut class, went home, and rest.

Complaining about the eye and head pain and vomiting, I decided to have my eyes checked by an optometrist and got my first pair of glasses. It helped my eye but the episode happened again. So I went to see a physician, taken the prescribed drugs, undergone full stomach ultrasound to check if something's wrong but everything's normal.

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So I lived up without a full understanding of what I've been going through. I actually thought I have hyperacidity because the same group of food triggers both migraine and hyperacidity. lol

Year 2014 had been a real bad patch for me. The episodes had been more frequent and more severe, from once a year to 4-7 times a year, to once per month of major episodes plus the daily bad head pain.

In 2015, I've met an internist, ophthalmologist, neurologist and find out it's a migraine. But what caused it is a real mystery. I've undergone perimetry test, EEG, CT scan but still of positive results. I've taken drugs and painkillers but still of no effect. Avoid triggers but still didn't work.

Migraine is not just your headache when you overdrink or slept. It is a neurological disorder which is genetic. Drugs can improve some cases but can't cure one. Migraine cure is still on research.

Maybe it's worth sharing my story to voice out how every migraineur suffers, miss their works, and live the life the way it should be. And I hope everyone, would be more open minded about this chronic illness.

PS: It's hard pretending to feel well.

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