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Migraine has interrupted my whole life!

I am a chronic migraine sufferer. Not only do I suffer from migraines almost everyday, I suffer from chronic pain from ddd, and fibromyalgia. Within the last couple of years my headaches have gotten worse. They have completely disabled me. I can't make commitments, plans, or appointments because they wind up being canceled. I HATE IT. My migraines are way over 15 a month. They have interrupted my whole life!!!. I use to be a pretty outgoing person. I am not active like I need to be. The dr is going to send me to neurologist. Right now I take med when a migraine hits. I've tried other medications, like preventatives. Nothing is working. I find myself staying in a darkroom with icepacks on my head and neck. Botox has been mentioned from my dr. I do not know if i want that many shots. I DON'T like needles but at this point i will even try acupuncture.

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I joined in hopes of being in support group with other migraine sufferers who know by experience and can relate with me.

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