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Extremely Down & Needing Connection

Hi everyone. I'm very new here.

I'm writing this mostly with my eyes closed. I am on day 3 of a migraine. Day 1 was the worst I've experienced in my 20 years of struggling with at least 3-4 migraines a month. Over these years migraines have ruined so much of my social life, tickets to shows, vacations, special moments... have all been canceled or aborted.

Trying everything

I'm feeling really hopeless right now. So far I have tried gabapentin, sumotriptiphan, Fioricet, daily butterbur...sometimes Flexeril and ibuprofen can work, but more rare these days. Not to mention acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, cranio, you name it, I've tried it. I'm 47, periods are starting to change, and the pain is getting even worse. I'm feeling so worried about entering perimenopause...

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Mental health, depression, and migraine

I guess I am needing some words of optimism. I have a history of depression and the pain I experienced and was unable to escape for hours this week, brought on thoughts of - is living worth it? I just don't know how much more pain I can take and the thought that they may get worse as I go into menopause... I'm just unsure if I am going to survive.

Can anyone tell me if they are doing something different or have any positive stories that I can glean onto right now?

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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