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Migraines, Migraines, and more Migraines....

I have had migraines since I was 12. Started with the monthly cycle. I did not have them every month and usually they were for only the first day. However, as I have gotten older they are tearing me apart. While I was in the Navy, I had one for 43 days straight. Every 3rd day I would lose color in my vision. It is weird to see everything in black and white.

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They slowed down for a while after I came back home but then about 15 years ago they started to come back strong. I get 15-20 a month even with taking amitriptyline, propranolol and botox. So needless to say, I have decided to stop the botox. In Oct of last year, I had the worse one ever. I bent down and I felt like my head had exploded. Went to the ER where I was put on narcotics and sent home. After 2 doctor's visits, 3 ER visits and 4 tests later it was determined to be a thunderclap migraine. Thanks...just what I needed was another type of migraine.

So, depression has been an issue along with the pain of the constant migraines. My poor mom keeps apologizing for having me in the first place. Not like she could have predicted the future. I know it is hard for her to watch me go through this torture. I just wish something would work!!!

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