No Relief from Migraine Pain
I was in my early 20's when I had my first "headache".
Family history
I'd always been told about my paternal grandmother having bad headaches but I didn't know that what I was experiencing was a migraine. I'm now in my early 50's and nothing helps with the pain.
Prevantative treatment
I can't take triptans, beta-blockers, or any of the other types of preventative medications. I've tried the injection medications but they didn't help me either; plus I absolutely hate needles!!
My migraine triggers
As with many others, the weather affects my headaches as well as light, sounds and scents. I know my triggers and I read labels on everything. I've tried other "sunglasses" before but they don't help at all; even my eye doctor doesn't have anything like this. Most places have florescent lights and those are a big no-no for me. Although I never look directly at the lights, they make my migraine worse. I'd like to see if these type of sunglasses will work for me when I'm able to go to church or to go shopping.
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