Vaccines in a Migraine World

Well, I have just found a new website, new to me. I went searching for adverse effects to the vaccines because I have been feeling lousy this past week from the first Pfizer vaccine, and I wanted to know if I was the only one feeling lousy. Well, I am not! And so I thought I would hop over here and share that website with you and also provide you with contact info on Pfizer Inc.

The vaccine forum page is found here. And the contact info for Pfizer is here.

My experience with side effects

I am sharing this info because I am a lifelong migraine person and I have had many adverse effects from scores of migraine medications. I have been really worried about having the vaccine, not because I am against vaccines, I am not, but because of the scores of migraine medications that I have had serious side effects from.

Sharing your experience

So, if you are struggling with adverse effects from the vaccines and are frightened and feeling alone, hop over to the Open Access Government site and read what others have been struggling with. It's like being on this migraine site. There are others in the same boat and we all need to share our experiences. And I believe that the pharmaceutical companies need to know what we are feeling.

Feeling heard by others

In the news today, some person made the comment, "ONLY 2%" of the population are experiencing negative effects. ONLY, as if our negative experiences are insignificant and unwarranted. There are a lot of nice people on that Open site. I think you will feel "heard."

One other thing, I think the site is in the U.K. It's nice to know that they are just like us. They hurt and they are scared too.

Thank you.

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