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Aimovig - Unsuccessful for me

I’m two weeks past my third 140 mg dose and no changes to my chronic migraines symptoms, which are daily. I recognize the clinic research identified that improvements may not be experienced until after the fourth dose, but my side effects are escalating with each dose. At this point, I’ve been taken off Aimovig. It’s another failed treatment to be added to the laundry list. I’m so frustrated and feel my physicians are throwing up their hands because I’m so difficult to treat... I’ve such a low tolerance to medication and my health continues to decline. My career has stopped and my attempts at diversion therapy are minimally effective. I’ve been struggling for two years and am mentally and physically exhausted.

  1. Hi Texs4,

    Thank you for sharing your difficult journey with us. I understand how disheartening it is when yet another migraine medication fails. Please don’t lose hope! There are two other CGRP medications out that may be better suited for you. Each of these CGRP medications work in subtly different ways.

    May I ask if you’ve seen a true migraine expert - one who is board certified in headache medicine, which is different than being certified in neurology?

    Let me know how you’re doing,

    1. Hi Nancy - Yes, I am currently seeing a board certified nationally recognized migraine specialist. Its been a painful learning curve and after three neurologist “headache specialist”, I feel that I’m finally on a good path. That said, I struggle daily to stay positive and try to keep my career. I appreciate that my case has many complications, but I’ve found that the medication side effects are frequently worse than dealing with the migraines. Have you ever been in that situation? I’ve become cynical and I’m not eager for Botox—the current proposed treatment.

    2. Hi Texs4,

      I truly get it. I hate that it takes so long to be correctly diagnosed and then longer to find a treatment plan that works. Another problem many of us run into is an established plan will cease to be effective after a while, and we’re back to square one.
      I put off Botox for many years, I was nervous about possible adverse effects. I’m now going on 2 years with it and it has made a difference in my attack frequency and severity. My abortives seem to work better as well. It’s not a “cure” but another tool to help prevent migraine attacks.

      Here’s to a pain free day!

  2. I tried Aimovig and Emgality but neither were successful for me. Emgality was successful at first but after the 3rd monthly dose, it stopped working. The neurologist did not feel it was worthwhile to try Ajoy. I have tried just about everything out there except Botox but I am not willing to try that option for personal and medical reasons.
    I just turned 64 on my last birthday. I am hoping that in a few years my migraines will lessen in severity. (Some say that happens as you age.)
    I do take other medications such as Topamax, which is the only medication that has reduced the severity of my migraines. Of course, I use "triptans" for acute migraines which does help most of the time.
    However, I am still looking for that "wonder" drug or solution that will "cure" my migraines as I have suffered with them since I was in high school: starting out as periodic migraines and developing into chronic migraine.

    1. Hi ,

      Thank you for sharing your migraine disease journey with us. I hear the frustration about not finding the right treatment plan, but try not to lose hope!

      We're all waiting for the cure, wouldn't it be nice to see one in our lifetime?

      Wishing you a low pain day,
      Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Advocate/Moderator

      1. Has anyone else had to stop Aimovig due to suddenly getting cancer or other serious health condition?

        I have just been diagnosed with duodenal type follicular lymphoma after stomach pains started a year ago, and I started Aimovig 19 months ago.

        Shame because it’s been great for my migraines but am reading here about others getting cancer from it so i would like to form a group. Thanks!

        1. , I wish you a complete recovery and all the best! We are here for you.

          Have you reported your experience to the FDA? While the connection isn't definite, it's still a good idea to submit a report. Data from patients can help shape what happens to these medications in the future.

          Here's the link if you're interested:

          Take good care of yourself,
          Melissa, team

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