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New to the Migraine World: Complete Elimination Diet

Hello, I am new to the migraine world, I have been doing the complete migraine elimination diet from for 5 weeks now. I have made a few mistakes but wondered if anyone has more info on slow cooking, especially chicken stock, why does this affect foods?

  1. Hi , welcome to! We are thrilled to have you as a member of the community. How are you feeling today? You bring up a great point about the challenges and mistakes that we all make when trying to learn and understand our triggers, in addition to finding foods that work best! I am a huge snacker personally and have recently been cutting down a lot; I admire your commitment to your overall health. Looking forward to hearing from you soon, sending you healing hugs. -Lawrence ( Team)

    1. I'm curious - what is the basic premise of this diet? My new neurologist recommended I eliminate as much sugar and white flour/rice from my diet as possible and I have actually seen a reduction in migraines!! Not gone, but definitely a lot better. Something is helping and I think it's a reduction of overall inflammation.

      1. Hi MaryLorraine, thank you for your question! The purpose of an elimination diet is to try to answer the question: what foods are triggering or problematic for me? The idea is to eliminate a lot of foods that are often problematic for people and then add back one thing at a time to determine which are problematic for you specifically. This article gives some further introductory information you may find of interest! It is always recommended that one consult with a doctor before beginning so that it is done correctly and safely. I hope this offers you some clarification. Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson ( team)

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