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Genetic reports

I don't know how many people frequent this forum, I visit every now and then, but I was wondering how many people here have had their genetics tested by a doctor or through a website like 23&me?

I had never thought of it until I saw an article on the C677T gene and high homocysteine levels and how it related to migraine.

I did the 23&me report and ran my raw data through some health websites. While it has been overwhelming and hours spent researching, it was probably one of the best things I ever did for myself.

It has been the final piece to my health puzzle.

I was diagnosed with migraines with aura at 6 years old and have been dealing with it on and off all my life in some form or another. 3 years ago I had a few months of migraines every 3-4 days until I found magnesium and b2. But I was still getting migraines - mainly hormonal. then we moved to a southern state and I don't know how much was stress and how much was the change in my diet (harder to get good produce here and less organic) and I was getting 2 a month. the health reports really helped me to tailor my supplements and I have been migraine free for 4 months and I can take care of any headache at the first sign of it now.

So I was wondering if anyone else here has or have you thought about it?

  1. Hi Shinetrue,

    Thank you for your question and sharing your excellent news - good for you!!

    I have one gene MTHFR mutation, C677T, tried Deplin, but didn't see any big changes - but I've not had the 23 & me testing. As you've seen has this mutation can have a big impact on life and may also be associated with depression, epilepsy, and many other conditions. You can read more about this here;

    It sounds like your migraines may be triggered by fluctuating hormones, one trigger we can't avoid. If you find you are still having issues with hormonal migraine, you may want to try Frova a few days before and during your menses. You can read more about that here;


    1. Actually, I started taking DIM and evening primrose oil before I did the genetic testing. The DIM helped immensely with my hormonal acne and even a little with staying asleep at night.

      While researching the genetic issue I found a gynecologist that runs a website - She suggested b6 and calcium d-glucarate.

      I had just started b6 in p-5-p form and 2 weeks later started the calcium d-glucarate.

      I have not had a hormonal migraine or even slight headache associated with hormones since. I also had been experiencing heavy periods - to the point where I didn't want to leave the house the first 2 days of my cycle. I now feel like a normal person and don't have to be a hermit. I had previously asked for help from 2 different gynecologists. Neither had any helpful suggestions. One suggested DHEA which my body converted into MORE estrogen and the effect was HORRIBLE.

      As far as the final "piece" to my puzzle - that came when I started focusing on my GAD1 variant. I started looking at not only MSG and aspartame but all free glutamate and GABA balancce. ALL my genetic variants help load up the glutamate in my system. I am compound hetero - the body can metabolize excess folate into glutamate. my GAD1 variants have an effect on the enzyme that metabolizes glutamate. Low progesterone can lead to low GABA ("progesterone makes a metabolite called allopregnanolone, which is a neurosteroid that interacts with GABA receptors in the brain" - lara briden)

      Once I started focusing on supplements that help clear out excess glutamate - all has been well. I know this isn't a fix for everyone but other genetic variants can help people decipher their food intolerances as well (ie CBS variants seem to have issues with sulphur in foods)

      Magnesium is still a huge help for me (not citrate and not glycinate - the glycine can be excitatory for those sensitive to glutamate - it did give me headaches before I figured it out) - I only found out recently in research that one of the reasons why is because it is able to bind and activate GABA receptors and regulates excess calcium.

      Well sorry to write a book, and this isn't all I could write 😀. I just feel like there are answers out there - they just take some digging and A LOT of note taking to put the pieces together for each individual and the genetic testing just gives the "master" document to start out from.

      1. Thank you for sharing more of your story with me. It's always good to share what works and what doesn't.


    2. Hi, I'm new here and I'm not from or in the USA so hope I'm not intruding!
      I haven't done the genetic testing, but in my family we're fairly aware of our medical heritage (we have some major stuff to deal with, and we have medical researchers in our ranks). So when I read the lists of conditions, I wasn't very surprised that several of us also are chronic migraineurs.
      We also have know some of genetic conditions on the lists are also associated with others not on the list, so I'm wondering how many other chronic migraineurs also have serious/life-disruptive conditions (I can't think of the right phrase today) such as:
      *connective tissue issues: osteo- or rheumatoid arthritis, collagen-affecting issues; psoriasis or exzecma (sp?);
      *issues relating to hair growth such as hereditary alopecia or the overly-hairiness related to PCOS and its dietary requirements
      *circulatory diseases such as Raynaud's disease etc
      *and how all of these contribute to multi-chemical sensitivities (or allergies, depending on whether you're talking about foods or medications/the environment).
      I'm allergic to so many medications, because I'm allergic to salicylates, penicillin, codeine, paracetamol, can't really digest or handle large amounts of gluten, lactose, caseinate, legumin, sulphur, magnesium, sodium, calcium...
      So, winding up, I'm wondering how many others also experience these gene-based/neuro-transmitter or enzyme level reactions in non-migraine health areas? Maybe the picture is broader and more detailed than anyone guessed?

      1. Sorry for 3, with peaks and troughs, and a peak while sleeping last night. It's breakfast time, and another is trying to emerge.

        1. Hi JOJ,

          Of course you're not intruding - welcome to the discussion forum and thank you for your comments! I agree with you, migraine may indeed be more involved then any of us are aware of at the moment. With increased research hopefully we will be able to have a better understanding of migraine and it's comorbid conditions.

          We have additional information on migraine and comorbid conditions if you're interesting in read about it;


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