Two weeks ago my husband (65) suddenly was unable to read the computer screen or from a book. He was in no pain and could hold a conversation with no difficulty. I rushed him to the ER suspecting stroke. At the ER he could still answer questions correctly but not read...the words came out wrong or not at all. The doctor suspected TIA, did CT scan and who know what all else. Over the course of about an hour the reading got worse and he lost his ability to correctly answer questions. At that point they said he was having a stoke and gave him the clot-busting t-PA.
At that time the headache (which he barely remembers now) began, so intense that he was holding his head and swaying. Then the vomiting began. We were ambulanced to a larger hospital and ICU. For almost 20 hours he couldn't respond verbally to most questions. Headache and vomiting continued until they gave him two doses of Fentanyl. At no time did he lose strength on either side of his body of face. He also had strong pain in his right abdomen that they x-rayed (no cause found).
After about 20 long hours, he began to get his speech back, answering questions accurately. By 24 hours he was up, talking, eating, walking...no problem. MRI showed NO signs of stoke. Neurologist suspects migraine with aphasia. He's only had one possible migraine in his life several years ago (headache and vomiting).
He has coronary artery disease, so we are naturally cautious. They put him on Plavix and aspirin with follow ups with a neurologist and a vascular surgeon in about two weeks. A-fib monitor showed no problems.
My question...has anyone ever heard of aphasia symptoms from a migraine lasting so long?