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Will acupuncture work for head ache?

Hi friends, I am new here. Last day, I met a lady who is specialized in acupuncture treatment. I met her at a wedding event. During the event, I was struggling with a severe headache. So I couldn't enjoy the moments there. When I was taking rest, she came and sat beside me and we started talking. I came to know that she was an acupuncture therapist in Toronto. Then we discussed on this headache. I told her every minute details on this. This headache has been started for two years. I am still taking treatment for this but I am not satisfied with the treatment and its effects. While stopping the medicine, the pain again starts with the same intensity. Actually, I am planning to try some other treatments. I think I met her at the right time. She talked about the possibilities of acupuncture treatment on headache. She added that it is safe and non-invasive therapy used for natural healing and reducing pain. Really that was the first time I heard about acupuncture treatment. I would like to know more about this treatment procedure. If anybody has prior experience with this treatment, please share your valuable reviews. Based on your reviews I have to take a decision.

  1. Hi Patriciawalt,

    Welcome to the discussion forum and sharing your story with us!

    This is one complementary therapy I've not tried, but know many who have good results with is. There are a few studies that indicate acupuncture works for some of us with migraine disease. This is an answer from Dr. Mauskop, a migraine/headache expert in NYC on this topic;

    This link as additional information on acupuncture you may find helpful;

    I hope this helps and let us know how you make out if you try it!

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience with us Snoopy10!!


      1. I tried several treatments with a very experienced practioner. She indicated that I should receive relief after about 6 sessions but unfortunately I am still suffering.

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