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Never ending head and eye pain

I have been suffering from chronic head and eye pain for the past 21+ years. I don’t have an ordinary headache or a textbook migraine. My head and eye pain have stumped some of the top Headache Specialists in Southern California. My pain is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The only relief I get is when I’m asleep. I am 6’2” and weigh approximately 175 pounds.

I was in a motor vehicle collision in July 2002. I was an unrestrained driver and I broadsided a vehicle that turned in front of me. I struck the other vehicle at approximately 25-30 MPH. I believe I struck the top of my head on the roof. I had about a 2-inch laceration on the top of my head. It did not require sutures and I did not lose consciousness. My knees were scratched from hitting the dash and the airbag burned my left inner forearm. I was transported to University of California San Diego Hospital (Hillcrest). I did not have any major injuries and I returned to work shortly thereafter.

In July of 2003, I started getting head pain along with sharp eye pain. The head and eye pain have been constant since the day it started. My average head and eye pain are an 8 on a 1-10 scale. The pain is usually in my left eye; however, it will change to my right eye on occasion. The pain feels like it is coming from behind the eye. My scalp is very tender even when it’s not being touched. Most of my head pain is on the top of my head and the back of my head. Wearing glasses and hats increases my head and eye pain as well as reading.

Since the beginning of my head and eye pain, I have seen dozens of doctors to help diagnose and treat my symptoms. I have not found any relief. I usually do not have nausea with my headaches, and do not have any light sensitivity. I am sensitive to loud sounds. My doctors and I do not believe I have Migraine Headaches. My neck is very tight along with my traps and shoulders.

Starting the most recent treatment, I returned from Tijuana, Mexico this morning. I traveled to Mexico for Ibogaine treatment at Ambio Life Sciences. Ibogaine is a psychedelic drug used to treat TBI, PTSD, chronic pain, addiction, depression, etc. I did not feel any relief from the Ibogaine. I will monitor signs of relief in the next days, weeks, and months as the Ibogaine will continue to work in my body. I may also micro dose psilocybin in the near future to help with the pain.

In November 2023, I flew to Dallas, Texas for Migraine Surgery AKA nerve decompression surgery. Even though I know I do not have Migraines, I thought decompressing my occipital nerves may give me relief. I had a positive response to the diagnostic occipital nerve blocks prior to the surgery. Dr. Bardia Amirlak performed the procedure. I did not get any eye or head pain relief.

Over the past 21+ years, I have tried many modalities including Botox, acupuncture, oxygen therapy, posture therapy, EMDR, trigger point injection, cranial sacral therapy, TMJ treatment (2012, 2020, 2024), ketamine infusions (2021), DHE treatment (inpatient) (2016), occipital nerve block, trigeminal nerve block, prolotherapy, vagus nerve stimulator, eNeura TMS device, Cefaly device, Irlen tinted eyeglasses, dry needling, SPG block (2022), nerve pain stimulator (2022).

I was diagnosed by a Neurologist / Headache Specialist in 2016 as having New Daily Persistent Headaches. I have tried numerous migraine medications to no avail. Excedrin used to work wonders, now it only takes the edge off sometimes.

Approximately five years ago, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease. I am currently taking Liothyronine 5 MCG, one a day, Levothyroxine 75MCG, one a day, for my Hashimoto’s. I take Lamotrigine ODT 50 MG, twice a day for headaches, and Wellbutrin 150 MG, once a day, for anxiety. I weaned off Wellbutrin approximately one week prior to my Ibogaine treatment per their request.

Since my teenage years, I have a had a very fast metabolism. If my memory serves my correctly, when I skipped a meal as a teenager, I sometimes had eye pain as a result. I don’t recall if I had a headache with the eye pain. If I miss a meal now, my head and eye pain greatly increase.

I am now curious to see if there is a connection with my metabolism and my pain. Maybe my body isn’t being signaled correctly when my stomach is full and it thinks I’m malnourished. Then it signals to me by the way of a headache with eye pain.

Stress, poor sleep, sugary foods, and alcohol consumption also magnify my pain. The only relief I get is when I sleep. Nothing helps prevent the pain and no rescue medications help as well. I usually sleep 7-8 hours a night, eat minimal sugary food, and drink 0-2 alcoholic drinks per month.

  1. Hi there - thanks so much for taking the time to share your journey. It sounds like you have made a diligent effort to seek out any possible form of relief. My hope is that some other community member's will be along shortly to add their thoughts! I'm also going to tag a few member's who've mentioned having eye pain. Can any of you resonate with this post - , ? - Cody (Team Member)

    1. Thanks Cody!

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