10 Ways Migraine Makes You Feel
Although there are over 36 million people living with migraine in the US alone, there is no one emotional response to navigating this incredibly challenging neurological disease. We are introducing “Migraine 10 Ways” – and inviting you to share ten emotions that arise as you manage chronic migraine. Here’s the kickoff video:
Share how migraine makes you feel
In the comment section below, and/or on the social media platform of your choice, using #migraine10ways, please join in (submit a video or simply with a list of words) by sharing ten ways that migraine makes you feel.
Hopefully, in so doing, we might increase compassion and awareness about the complex nature of the disease so that others can learn that migraine is not just a headache. Indeed, there’s nothing simple or straightforward about it. Lastly, because migraine is so isolating by its very nature, we hope this initiative will serve to connect us with each other as we learn how others who live with migraine are feeling.
Here’s a link to some feeling words to get you started.
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